
Persephone the Moon Goddess

Ready for the Gateway ?

This is such a powerful process that begins today, so set your intention as to the building energy of the Sagittarius Moon at her last degree and what you discovered about your ancestral and karmic story in the last 260 day cycle, 15 December 2020 to 31 August 2021.

Is everything starting to become clearer after your first initiation process of Red Dragon, in the Mayan Dreamspell? This began on the 01st of September. On the 13th, the shift day happened as to how we are consciously creating our new dream for humanity by living it as an individual. The last day is Red Cosmic Skywalker and the human being who is doing the alchemical process within. The healing of the heart story, to free ourselves from our ancestor’s bondage to shadow ways of relating. As each individual does this healing process, their world changes and then the world they inhabit changes. This is quantum theory. Understanding this process changes everything for the initiate who becomes an adept of alchemical process.

This is the time for up levelling for those committed to do their work. The term given for this in Mayan language is the QuetzalCoatl and here is an article that explains this in Britannica. There are many archetypal stories connected to this, in multiple languages and cultures. There are different levels to engage too and if you are the seeker ready to do the process then this information is for you. Quetzal takes many forms. One interpretation is to the “raising or lifting up” another aspect is a “feather”. Article here. The Coatl aspect refers to the Serpent and/or twin. Article here. Using the Dreamspell we find Red Serpent on day 5 so on the 5th of September what was happening for you is significant.

This also links into Gemini in the zodiac and we have the North Node in Gemini and Lilith in Gemini too. This is about right relationship and having honour and integrity. The last time we had North Node in Gemini as a planetary transit , it was at the time of September 11th 2001 and this cycle is very significant. Lots of our old fear stories about relationships coming up directly and in our gene pool stories too. The North Node in our personal chart happens every 18.5 years. This is my North Node transit right now and I can see my patterns back then and how I am healing them and making different choices right now.

The feather aspect also links up to the Egyptian death story and the weighing of the heart, which has to be lighter than a feather to enter the kingdom of heaven. Here is an in depth wikipedia article about Maat. I am currently reading a great book about this by Jodi Picoult The Book of Two Ways . The Persephone and Demeter myth is also intrinsic to this time Wikipedia Article gives an in depth overview if you want to know the mythology.


The White Wavespell in every 52 day cycle is about refining the previous Red Wavespell. Clarity and truth is desired to disentangle ourself from our survival stories in this instance. In order to fully transform this healing the heart is required. We cannot change the past, we can change how we feel about it and then change our behaviour because we have changed our holographic projector. This is an essential part of the Persephone process otherwise we can stay stuck and frozen in winter and trapped in our own underworld process of hell. When we heal we engage our youthful new beginnings of Spring. I offer you this is what is happening on the planet. Pluto is linked as Hades, the abductor of our youthful Persephone. This is the planet of death and it is retrograding in Capricorn now revealing where humanity has not been a disciple of truth and tried to suppress the sacred feminine and all her beauty and gifts. Our psychic intuition can now be resurrected as long as we are willing to feel our inner child wounding and listen without overriding it’s truth so we can ‘get on’ with 3D life. The current 3D life is built on this inhumane story of darkness that denies our true nature and seeks to create a power in balance that is not fair and just and exhausts humanity and Gaia’s resources.


White Wizard is a misnomer in my opinion. I offer it is White Witch energy as she is the Moon Goddess Ix Chel. She is the 14th Mayan Sign and as such the first day of the mastery process. There are 20 Mayan signs and the first 13 are the human being process. Once we initiate this in the first 13 day process, we can then start to refine and master our ancestral patterns to liberate ourselves from the karma wheel and rebirth the new earth as a midwife to ourselves. White Wizard is twinned with Red Serpent and their planets are the asteroid belts bringing in new consciousness. Vesta goes into Scorpio at the time of the full moon so where she is in your chart will bring light as to where your sacred space and purification can be re~energised. She can reveal karmic matters that are linked to survival (Scorpio) and intimacy issues. Where we have been lied to and betrayed affects our trust in the divine. This will be highlighted when we arrive in Scorpio Sun and remember that as planets are going direct in early October being focused on your spiritual goal is essential. We already have Venus in Scorpio so we can be experiencing intensity around themes of sexuality. She is squaring Saturn and Uranus from the 17th to the 23rd. Article about Saturn.

Invasion of our inner space is happening en masse on every level and boundaries around this have dissolved for many people. This is extremely disempowering and unhealthy and there is a regression happening as to health. Humanity is being shown as to where it really is rather than where it thinks it is. There is a huge unveiling of this now. Many women are still operating from a very conditioned mindset that is unaware and far from the sacred feminine ideal. Allowing others literally to affect our biology instead of using natural methods of wisdom. Our ancestors knew what herbs to use. We have the moon to guide our cycles. We do not need unnatural man made constructs as women. If you are allowing these into your personal space old programmes are still running. There is still a debate as to how sperm affects a woman’s dna and if we look at the dynamics of stds, clearly the vaginal natural barriers can be breached. Who we let into our sacred body space (particularly our sexual, birthing of new life space), can give huge awareness as to our personal patterns and how much we respect our sovereignty. This can take a while to heal and create healthy and loving boundaries. Working on our self esteem and beliefs about ourself takes time. Rewiring after narcissistic abuse takes discipline as it is tempting to go to lower vibes and repeat the same behaviour ignoring red flags. We are in an intense time en masse around this energy and it can seem like we are constantly fire fighting. This can over work our adrenal system and keep us in a hyper vigilant state which does not allow much space for new learning as the drawbridge is down and the moat is full of alligators keeping the persecutors at bay. Everything comes in waves and cycles and so coming into balance and facing personal reality is the key. Letting go of crutches and avoidance is the way forward and the ego will not like it and that is the Venusian maturation process right now. Video about Vesta by AstroViktor

Leading Astrology

As we begin this cycle we have the Sun in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces article by Astrology King What is being illuminated as to your empowerment issues ? How are you running an old mindset where you are struggling to be assertive about what you want and make it happen ? Where are you finding conflict happening/people pushing your boundaries/finding a need to rescue/explain and change people’s minds for example? Especially if you are an empath. Notice how your ego is believing you have to do this instead of realising that each person comes into their point of enlightenment when they are ready to and it is wired into their cosmology. Simply living our own path and healing will create the shift by being the change we want to see. Sharing info is great and noticing what our own personal ego intention is reveals where we are on our own challenge game plan. Although we are heading into the 7th house of the other in Libra Sun on the 22nd with the Autumn Equinox, keep the focus on staying with your eyes and heart on you. This is the test now. Mars is in Libra and this energy can be about injustice and fighting the good fight for others. It can also be focused on our own shadow story and letting go of sacrificing ourselves for the other. The 7th house is also the mystic house, linked to Blue Hand. Healing our destiny. As we go into the equinox lots of magical awareness is happening. We go down into the underworld for 6 months to work on ourselves with conscious awareness to craft. Our emergence will be at the Spring Equinox and the next solar wheel of the heroines story. What do you want to be initiating then for new beginnings around your personal story? Reverse engineer this at the Autumn Equinox as to your first steps and do a timeline. Work out each inner healing step that you can take to realise your goal, you have already been shown what has gotta give. This is on the 22nd of September, a master builder code and the Magdalene code of the Goddess. It is also White Solar Wind day, the Gateway to our Goddess self and as this sign is governed by Uranus, what has Uranus in Taurus brought to light for you? Remember we are creating new ways of being so radical responsibility is required now. If you have Uranus in Scorpio you are in your Uranus opposition right now so empowering to work with this. This happens around the age of 41. Article here.

The Full Moon in Pisces is on the 20th at 28 degrees. Article by Dark Star Lots happening astrologically. This represents the end of the Piscean Age we are leaving. If you have Chiron in Pisces this can feel powerful. It will show us where our light position is. What is resonating with Yellow Resonant Sun and the 20th Mayan Sign. It is a portal day of akashic record and the planet is Pluto for this sign. If we are experiencing painful emotional realities then old stories are still lodged in our flight, flight, freeze amygdala area. This is the last Mayan Sign and completes the first 20 day cycle. By the time we reach the next one we will be in the last 13 day wavespell of Yellow Sun ready to see what is manifest. Remember the more you tap on these emotional triggers the freer you will become and your daily story will change. If you are not doing this on a daily basis I highly recommend that you do as we are going into the storm now. At the end of this wavespell we begin Blue Hand and 13 days of transformation. This is on the 27th and Mercury goes retrograde in Libra at this time article here. The more we clear our personal wounding stories and the easier it is to have empathy on a deeper level and be the diplomat with other people. Being able to communicate, free of emotionally unresolved past dramas, is the secret to empowered living and understanding this is crucial for the adept. The universe is wired to keep bringing past karmic unresolved stories into our holograph so we get to change the dynamic now from a healed space. The problem is also the solution. Here we see the wonder of Red Moon and all the seeds that are within us .

The bigger picture

Remember we are in a 13 year cycle of White Wizard that began in 2019 on the 26th of July. All our empowerment issues are coming up for refinement. I can now map this code for people who want to work at this level. It took me 10 years of working with Mayan Cosmology for this to be revealed to me and it blows me away every day as to how this magical tool is teaching me about the matrix we are in, as in the real universal alignment matrix, not the distorted 3D version of the Gregorian framework. For me personally I am revisiting my 13 year cycle of White Wind, which is when I became a mother and what that unveiled. My specific code for this year is 1998 when I was pregnant with my daughter, who is a White Galactic Wizard. Her sign is the same as my grandfathers. They are the integration, day 8, step of Blue Hand Wavespell. Integrating our empowerment issues through healing, lets the magic flow through us once more. A river of light and kundalini energy powers us up as we remove any obstacles that are stuck in our mindset around feeling unloved and unworthy for example. When we have experienced human relationships that did not respect us as sentient equal beings, when we were forced to do things against our true nature, when we had to hide our luminosity and our psychic gifts ……yep many many lifetimes of hiding and severe stories of darkness ready to rewire and with all of that specialised learning we are here to be change makers at this time. We have what it takes on every level.


Beautiful Neptunian energy coming in on the 23rd with Blue Planetary Night and here we see the manifestation of our conscious dream right now. Neptune in Pisces at 21 degrees quintiles the True North Node in Gemini at 3 degrees. Both 3’s and Blue Night is the 3rd Mayan Sign. Loving the synchros revealed. Here is an article about Quintiles New learning for me today about this and the pure magic of it. Great article here. This is in depth alchemy magic with the power of 5. This will also happen again on the 27th in Blue Hand Wavespell. When the astrological chart is divided into 5ths, one slice becomes 72 degrees. This energy reveals key patterns in your life. On a soul level this can give key insights for us as to reverse engineering our manifestation.

What am I good at doing that inspires me and sets my heart on fire? Never mind the nay sayers as to 3D mind set . Also where am I off track, getting practical around right relationship. What we do in life echoes in eternity. The ‘problem’ can be unpicked with discernment. How did I cast this spell/took it on, to create this mess I am in for example? What mindsets did I have? Where was I in denial? Where was I in survival mode? What ancestral pattern was I recreating? What buttons are being pushed? Heal them. Most importantly how do I align myself with the Goddess future I want to live.

Works in progress we are beauty full vessels. As we empty our cup we can become free of all co dependencies and any need to guild the lovely lily of life. Seeing the true nature of our vulnerabilities and surrendering to the divine higher power is the Gateway to the Goddess.

Wishing you an empowering time.

If you would like to know more about your personal codes and tools to use to create personal alchemy please contact me here with your time/date/place of birth. I am very busy right now and will not be able to take on any more clients until the next 52 day cycle which will be the 23rd of October. If you wish to register for that the intake for registration ends on the 16th.

Published by flowwithjo

I am a holistic therapist who specialises in energy coaching. I travel to amazing locations ~ a great adventure journey is happening right now. I love what I do: connecting to people around the world and creating flow. I work person to person and worldwide using Zoom. At the moment I am working with the bigger picture frameworks of the Mayan Calendar and Starcodes This reveals each individual's unique life purpose. The key tool I use in helping let go of the past and creating the life we want now is Emotional Freedom Technique. It is a powerful, simple tool that takes coaching to a whole new level. If you would like to experience this for yourself, please get in touch. I offer workshops for groups and love to travel so please invite me.

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